ood Morning Meridian,
Black History Month is an annual observance originating in the United States, where it is also known as African-American History Month. It is celebrated in February in the United States and Canada, while in Ireland and the United Kingdom it is observed in October.
Black History Month honors the contributions and sacrifices of Black Americans in the United States every February, since 1976. Carter G. Woodson, known as the “Father of Black History” was instrumental in the establishment of having this time set aside to reflect upon and recognize the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in the fabric of American History.
Black History Month is a time to celebrate and reflect on the rich cultural heritage and accomplishments of Black Americans.
Please find below links to access contributions and accomplishments of Black Americans.
- Reflect and celebrate the contributions and accomplishments of Black Americans.
- Reflect on the rich contributions that Black Americans have made to music through the Archives of African American Music and Culture.
If you have issues with accessing the above links, please copy and paste the URLs below in the address bar.
Join us as we reflect on the heritage and accomplishments of Black Americans during Black History Month.
The Employee Engagement & Communication and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee